Biological Resources

Aspen has strong experience working with private clients, agencies, and public utility clients in the collection and management of biological resource data to support permitting for large scale infrastructure projects.

Understanding state and federal regulations is critical to addressing biological resource issues because each project triggers a different set of related environmental requirements, depending on the type of project and location of the activity being proposed. Accurately identifying, documenting, and disclosing biological resource information is critical to ensuring that projects commence on time and without costly delays. Accurately documenting sensitive biological resources often allows site-specific modifications that reduce mitigation costs and may reduce complicated permitting situations.

One of Aspen’s core strengths is its in-house ability to perform and manage biological surveys, complete data analyses for environmental impact assessments, perform endangered species consultations and prepare biological mitigation and habitat restoration plans.

Services Include:

Site planning and constraints analysis

Full project life cycle support including planning, surveys, permitting, monitoring, post compliance reporting, and habitat restoration

Jurisdictional waters/wetlands delineations and determinations

Surveys and mapping of special status plants, wildlife, and sensitive natural communities

Preparation of Biological Resource Technical Studies

Regulatory permitting and agency coordination

CRAM, SWAMP, and other aquatic assessments to support permitting and monitoring

Agency specific reporting such as those required by the Bureau of Land Management, United States Forest Service, and other federal agencies

Biological Assessments and Evaluations under state and federal Endangered Species Acts.

Aspen has substantial knowledge regarding the requirements of the state and federal regulations related to natural resources, including:

California Fish & Game Code (Sections 1600-1610, including Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreements) and emergency actions

Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permits (Nationwide, Regional General, Standard Individual, including preparation of formal Aquatic Resources Delineation Reports)

Section 401 Water Quality Certifications

Section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits from the State Water Resources Control Board, through the local RWQCB

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development, inspection, and reporting services

Federal ESA, Section 7 Consultation and Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) and Incidental Take Permits, including the preparation of Biological Assessments and HCPs

California ESA, Section 2081 Permits and other sections (2050 to 2089) of the Fish & Game Code that protect rare and endangered plants and animals, including preparation of Biological Evaluations and Mitigation and Monitoring Plans

Coastal Zone Management Act and California Coastal Act (Coastal Consistency Determinations and Coastal Development Permits)


Environmental Review & Permitting


Cultural Resources