Air Quality & Climate Services

Aspen has extensive experience in air quality impact assessment, greenhouse gas emissions analyses, and climate change.

Our experience includes routinely preparing air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions impact analyses. Aspen provides air quality and GHG analyses for large and complex infrastructure projects. Our expertise covers renewable and conventional power plants; pipelines, and transmission lines; transportation and marine port projects; industrial facilities; land development projects; and smaller infrastructure and capital improvements. Services include air pollutant and GHG emissions estimation, air dispersion modeling, health risk assessments, stationary source permitting, and compliance audit evaluations during project construction and operation.

Air quality assessments for industrial and land use development require a keen understanding of the processes that cause emissions, viable control strategies, and the science and art of realistically modeling sources and pollutant impacts. Mitigation must also be considered and balanced to protect the environment and ensure regulatory compliance. Aspen personnel have decades of experience providing air quality and related services for a wide range of projects and clients. Aspen staff has also provided air quality and related services training sessions for the State of California and federal regulatory agency staff.

Aspen works on the leading edge of climate change mitigation and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions reductions strategies. We assist energy and land management agencies in developing methodologies for GHG impact analysis and consideration of climate change effects in the context of CEQA and NEPA.

Services include:

Air Quality Impact Analysis

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment

Emissions Inventories

Dispersion Modeling

Wildfire Risk Assessment & Resiliency

Health Risk Assessments

Stationary Source Permitting

Compliance Audit Evaluations

Fugitive Dust Management Plans

Climate Change Analysis

Expert Witness Testimony


Energy Resource Planning & Utility Analysis


Geospatial Sciences & Data Analysis