California Offshore Wind Update
Aspen Awarded the CADEMO EIR
The California State Lands Commission (CSLC) has selected Aspen to prepare the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for California’s first offshore wind turbines. The CADEMO Project will include four floating wind turbines using two different forms of foundations. The turbines will generate 12 to 15 MW each, with a maximum capacity of up to 60 MW.
CADEMO is proposed about 2.8 miles off Point Arguello, offshore of Vandenberg Space Force Base. The four turbines would be connected by inter-array cables, and the electricity generated would be carried to shore in a subsea cable, landing at Vandenberg. An overhead line onshore would be constructed to transmit the power to PG&E’s existing Surf Substation. We are very excited to be able to utilize our significant experience gained with siting of all types of energy facilities (on and offshore) for this first proposed offshore wind project in California.
Assembly Bill 525, Investing in Offshore Wind Energy
Since early in 2023, Aspen has been supporting Energy Commission staff in its extensive efforts to comply with the requirements of Assembly Bill 525 (AB 525), Investing in Offshore Wind Energy. The CEC’s accomplishments in preparing for offshore wind development include the following:
On February 24, 2023 the CEC published the Preliminary Assessment of the Economic Benefits of Offshore Wind Related to Seaport Investments and Workforce Development; the report was formally adopted by the CEC on February 28, 2023.
In April of 2023 the CEC published the Assembly Bill 525 Offshore Wind Energy Permitting Roadmap; the report was formally adopted by the CEC on May 10, 2023.
Four workshops in support of the AB 525 Strategic Plan were held:
Ports and Workforce Development to Support Floating Offshore Wind Development (May 23, 2023)
Assessing Transmission Upgrades and Investments for Offshore Wind Development off the Coast of California (May 24, 2023)
Identifying Additional Suitable Sea Space and Assessing Impact and Mitigations for Offshore Wind Energy Development (June 1, 2023)
Offshore Wind Permitting Roadmap (June 2, 2023)
Aspen’s Continuing Support of Offshore Wind
Aspen has three primary contracts related to offshore wind:
Aspen is the prime contractor for the CEC Planning Support Contract, issued in October 2022, includes substantial support for the AB 525 Strategic Plan and its components.
Aspen is preparing the environmental analysis component of the AB 525 Port Readiness Plan (as subcontractor to Moffatt & Nichol, under contract to the CSLC).
Aspen is preparing the CADEMO EIR for the first floating offshore wind turbines in California waters, under contract to the CSLC.