Aspen Prepares EIR for Diablo Canyon Power Plant Decommissioning Project

Aspen has become a leader in environmental assessments associated with nuclear power plant decommissioning in California. Aspen was selected to assist the County of San Luis Obispo to prepare the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) Decommissioning Project in July 2021. Aspen’s experience preparing the EIR for the decommissioning of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Units 2 and 3 was crucial to earning this complex project.

The DCPP is a nuclear-powered electrical generating facility located in unincorporated San Luis Obispo County, approximately 7 miles northwest of Avila Beach. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) began commercial operation of the DCPP in 1985 for Unit 1 and 1986 for Unit 2. The DCPP is the last operating nuclear power plant in California and is slated for shutdown and decommissioning by PG&E upon expiration of its Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) facility operating licenses. Its two reactors are licensed by the NRC to operate until November 2, 2024 (Unit 1) and August 26, 2025 (Unit 2). PG&E intends to transition DCPP immediately from an operating status into a decommissioning status, meaning the facility would be shut down and the process of dismantling, decontaminating, and removing structures would begin.

Aspen has been working closely with the County on the EIR, including assisting with the scoping process, compiling cumulative projects, discussing Project information to develop a detailed and informative project description, identifying project alternatives, and describing future site reuse concepts. The EIR will evaluate the environmental impacts associated with decontamination and demolition of DCPP facilities and transport of decommissioning wastes by barge, truck, and rail.

Aspen Environmental Group

Aspen Environmental Group has offered diverse environmental services since 1991, including compliance, impact assessment, and mitigation for infrastructure, public works, and industrial projects. Our mission involves enhancing the understanding of human-environment interaction, delivering sustainable solutions for economic progress, and promoting diversity within our workforce through inclusive programs. Learn more


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